首页 > ip授权 > 香港国际ip授权展-从“出圈”到“出海”,岭南文化焕发青春






怀旧气息浓郁的非物质文化遗产英雄歌舞以其“酷”的外表走红海内外。南方日报记者 卢丽 摄

《猪猪侠》、《喜羊羊与灰太狼》等广东知名动漫IP以更加自信的姿态走出国门。 图为《新猪猪侠电影·超级赛车》中的猪猪侠形象。


潮汕英语歌舞以其“酷”的外表风靡海内外。 舞剧《咏春拳》展现岭南范,红遍大江南北。 “顶级”…

博采中西文化之长,展现时代风范,岭南文化不断与时俱进。 广东文化产业高质量发展推动岭南文化“双创”。

文化为魂,产业赋能。 从岭南文学艺术、影视动漫到游戏电竞,岭南文化的“双创新”让人眼花缭乱:一方面,精品力作激活岭南文化IP,热门车型“出圈”;另一方面,精品力作激活岭南文化IP,热门模式“出圈”。 世界讲述着温暖的中国故事、湾区故事、广东故事。

南海潮势正扬,风帆正劲,正是争取中游的好时机。 乘着广东文化产业高质量发展的契机,岭南文化正在新征程上乘风破浪,不断绽放新时代的光彩。

南方日报记者 毕嘉琪 刘以玲 王芳 王涵琪 张思怡



请手一动,拳势如风。 今年元旦,粤语舞剧《咏春》用酣畅淋漓的武术对决舞蹈,在B站跨年晚会上“破亿出圈”; 随后,该剧从深圳北上,“爆爆”国家大剧院,并陆续登陆上海、无锡、宁波、郑州、武汉、南京等地,口碑与票房“齐飞” ”。

广州歌舞剧院原创舞剧《醒狮》在线直播,流量340万“爆红”; 当代舞剧《龙舟》以千年龙舟文化为背景,书写新时代年轻人勇敢破浪的传奇; 改编自同名热门动漫的原创音乐剧《狮子男孩》也将于今年年底跨年档首播。

此外,还有粤剧、粤菜等充满粤韵、粤味的岭南遗产。 他们借助影视、舞台、网络等多渠道,成为全国年轻网民追捧的“顶级”文化IP。


5月23日晚,由珠江影业集团、广东粤剧院、佛山文投出品的首部4K全景声粤剧电影《白蛇传》荣获第十九届中国电影华表奖优秀故事片奖。 《白蛇传·爱情》不仅创造了华语戏曲电影最高票房纪录,还在全国年轻人中成功“出圈”,为戏曲推广找到了新的突破口电影——原来戏曲电影也可以“很潮、很美、很美”。

今年广交会期间推出的原创音乐剧《广交会》处处展现了岭南文艺的创新精神。 该剧以中法浪漫、香云飘香等元素巧妙讲述了广交会66年的发展历程。 清新活泼,收获了一大批年轻粉丝。


抢占“南海一号”水下考古国际IP,广东省博物馆去年推出“南海一号”考古盲盒,一经问世就在文创圈爆红。 用指尖触摸一个小小的文创,让观众触摸到海上丝绸之路文明几千年的波澜壮阔的历史。

正气而不守旧,尊重过去而不追随过去。 广东各大文博机构在文化创作上下功夫,探索如何用当代年轻人喜闻乐见的方式讲述文物故事。 据统计,2022年,全省博物馆开发文创产品3​​250件,比上年增长41%。 今年“5月1日”期间,南越王博物馆文创板块实现销售额近13万元。


今年“五一”,省内多个文艺团体纷纷进驻景区,上演独具地方特色的“好剧”:广东粤剧在佛山祖庙万福台演出折本,介绍水袖、把手向观众讲述共工、邹元泰等粤剧的有趣知识; 广东歌舞剧院将古典舞蹈独舞《粉墨》走进岭南印象园……精彩的演出让来自世界各地的游客沉浸在岭南文化的独特魅力中。 前来的观众也让景区人气不断升温。

今年“五一”假期,广东省接待游客4546.1万人次,比2019年同期增长18.6%; 旅游总收入274.4亿元,比2019年同期增长17.7%。今年一季度,广东旅游总收入1571.7亿元,同比增长46.5%。 文化与旅游深度融合,激活了“一池春水”高质量发展,“诗与远方”相得益彰。


要讲好粤菜故事,博物馆有一个绝妙的主意。 一道民国老菜谱,在粤菜厨师的巧手下,“复活”成一桌诗意佳肴。 近年来,广州博物馆携手中国大饭店推出“消失的名菜”系列香港国际ip授权展,从民国老菜单中“抢救”失落的粤菜,并通过菜谱、广告等方式进行复兴和运用,创造性地再现它们。 粤式风格。

广东各大博物馆积极运用VR虚拟现实技术和3D建模技术,实现“云参观”,开辟博物馆参观新方式。 今年年初,广东省博物馆更是将“倡议”交给了公众,推出“虚拟馆长”活动,让观众体验线上当馆长的瘾。


通过数字化和科技创新,推动岭南文化“双创新”,与年轻人“共鸣”。 今年年初,广州三七互娱推出的一款游戏《叫我掌柜》开启了探索粤语文化的旅程。 游戏场景中融入了五羊雕像、骑楼、粤菜、舞狮、龙舟等粤文化元素,还有粤语木偶戏、南粤舞狮等关卡,以及古粤语教学、粤语教学等互动环节。广东音乐普及。 这些更加新颖、更新的潮流方式不断激活粤语文化的千年魅力。

在电竞产业方面,趣丸科技TTG团队与南越王博物馆、广州乞巧文化节深度合作,带动年轻人爱上岭南文化、体验传统手工艺。 广州TTG主场场场爆满,创下开场1分钟门票全部售空的记录,将岭南文化植入电子竞技,成功“圈粉”。


2023年新的一年,一段充满激情的英文歌舞视频迅速走红国内外网站,弥漫着“粤语”过年的气氛。 从汕头潮阳海门镇的英文歌曲巡游,到普宁春节市区的文化娱乐活动……伴随着潮汕的大锣鼓声,兴奋的市民和游客挤满了大街小巷。 ,奏响文化旅游复苏最强音。

北有安塞腰鼓,南有普宁莺歌。 承载着浓浓乡愁的非物质文化遗产歌舞,让潮汕文化旅游再次“出圈”。

紧接着,年初热播的电视剧《飓风》点燃了江门华侨文化旅游的“飓风”:海内外游客涌向旧昌街、强生小灵通、静海站等拍摄地。 “狂飙同款”照片发布,一时热度不减。


从粤西的湛江、珠三角的中山、江门,到粤东的潮汕,越来越多的广东历史文化街区被《让子弹飞》《一代宗师》取景。 、《隐秘的角落》、《消灭暴力》、​​《破冰行动》和《四海》。 》等影视作品,并借助作品的热映或播出,成为热门“打卡地”。

今年1月10日,《飓风》的拍摄地——有着371年开埠历史和遗址的赤坎华侨古镇以全新面貌呈现在世人面前。 开展历史街区整体整治,最大程度保留古镇肌理,引进新经济、新业态。 赤坎华侨古镇独特的侨乡魅力吸引了大批游客。 新地标。

——“让城市留下记忆,让人们铭记乡愁。” 近年来,广东用“刺绣”保护和振兴古老的历史街区,让古城“活起来”,摇身一变成为年轻人趋之若鹜的“诗与远方”。 。

汉江畔,夜色灯光下的潮州古城建筑古朴而热闹。 潮州制定印发古城整治行动计划,推进“百户修百屋(祠堂)”工程。 现场,重建的潮州镇海大厦(旧政府衙门)还带来了激光投影秀。 今年春节期间,潮州共接待游客285.3万人次,同比增长44.1%,远超历史同期“最高峰”。

广州恩宁路、永庆坊经历了两期微改造,西关风情再现,“广州最美骑楼街”重生。 独具岭南特色的历史建筑修复如初,非遗传承人和网红云集香港国际ip授权展,艺术民宿、创客空间云集……老城区正在成为人们寻找、感受城市历史质感的理想场所。

3月28日,新加坡总理李显龙参观广州永庆坊。 他被浓郁的粤式风情所吸引ip形象,时不时举起手机拍照。 老邻居的“蝴蝶化作新生命”给他留下了深刻的印象,他连连称赞。


通过文塑游、文化游,让岭南古城的古街“活”起来。 历史在这里延续,文化脉络得到传承、强化、生生不息。


2019年《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》发布实施以来,粤港澳文化融合合作不断深化。 文旅融合、产业合作,让文化湾区的蓝图更加动人、前景更加美好。


《广东省推进粤港澳大湾区世界级旅游目的地建设行动方案》发布,深化粤港澳文化和旅游合作,加快发展港珠澳大桥等标志性景点的建设以及大湾区文化遗产步道的推广。 湾区文化艺术节、粤港澳青少年文化行等品牌深入人心。

大湾区文化遗产步道将文化遗产串成链条,串联起湾区居民的共同情感。 广东创新推出历史文化步道、大湾区文化遗产步道、“广东·美丽乡村”旅游线路650条(条),培育13个国家红色旅游经典景区,6个城市入选国家文化名城旅游消费试点城市。 携手港澳对标世界级湾区,打造大湾区展示科技、文明、时尚之光的世界级旅游目的地。

2022年粤港澳大湾区粤港澳青年文化遗产步道体验活动中,近30名粤港澳青年来到中山、江门探访中山桥澳古道游览森故居、开平碉楼,边走边品味大湾区文化魅力。 “虽然是第一次来开平,走进碉楼,但依然能感受到一百年前华侨的生活气息。” 澳门大学学生李嘉慧写下下游阅读感悟。


“湾区制造”影视作品一鸣惊人。 《中国医生》《拆弹专家2》《明日之战》等“湾区制造”影视作品屡获佳绩,并获得金鸡奖等“重量级”奖项认可、华表奖、“五个一工程”优秀作品奖。

电影《中国医生》以13.28亿元票房创造湾区电影票房新纪录,荣获中宣部精神文明第十六届“五个一工程”优秀作品奖建造。 该片是博纳影业落户广东后出品的首部作品。 它将香港电影的工业制作、大湾区情怀和现实题材的主旋律结合起来,探索了影视制作的新模式。

今年4月上映的粤语谍战片《风暴》也是粤港澳大湾区电影产业的一次高能联动。 该片由珠江影业集团有限公司出品,主创团队从导演陈嘉尚、主演陈伟霆,到制片人陈志良、音乐总监张嘉诚等,都是香港资深电影人,拥有多名资深电影人。多年经验。

博纳影业集团总裁于冬表示,大湾区将成为中国电影的“第三极”。 2021年,香港英皇娱乐大湾区总部将落户广州,聚焦广州深厚的本土文化和香港丰富的影视人才优势,打造立足广州、大湾区的文化演艺交流中心。湾区乃至全世界。

目前,越来越多的香港影视人到大湾区寻找机会。 近日,香港电影制作发行协会主席黄百鸣、香港艺术发展局主席霍启刚率领60余名香港电影人探访大湾区内地城市。 “未来发展重心在大湾区”成为不少香港影视人士的共鸣。



湾区有风从四面八方吹来。 从电影到动漫游戏产业,文化产业新业态激活岭南文化内核,以更时尚、更酷的方式向外界讲述中国故事。


2023年春节上映的《熊出没:留在我身边《熊芯》》获得国内票房14.95亿元。 在全球范围内,《熊出没》动画作品已在130多个国家和地区的影院及流媒体平台上映,创下了国产动画海外上映的票房新纪录。


孵化《猪猪侠》著名IP的永盛动画于2019年打造轻教育系列IP《综艺校车》,已走出国际路线,已在全球15个国家和地区在线播出。 荣获国家广播电视总局评选的“2021年度优秀海外传播作品”。

中国(广州)国际纪录片节是唯一入选“十四五”文化发展规划的国家级专业纪录片节,也是亚洲最大的专业纪录片节。 经过20多年的努力,已成为在世界范围内具有广泛影响力的一年一度的文化盛会。 纪录片节将战略规划孵化和运营有潜力的中国故事项目,覆盖海内外全球播出平台,提升中国故事项目的海外传播范围。


截至目前,三七互娱已在全球200多个国家和地区开展业务,发行游戏180余款。 网易《无尽劫》采用了李小龙、双节棍等岭南武术元素的全新表达方式,用游戏向世界传播中华武术精神。 全球销量已突破1000万册。

2022年,广东省游戏产业国内收入将达到2115.7亿元,游戏产业规模和收入处于全国领先水平。 全国近1/3的游戏企业、30%以上的游戏从业人员分布在该省。 与此同时,广东自主研发游戏产品出海规模逐年增大,海外影响力、海外市场份额、全球用户规模不断扩大。 2022年,广东游戏出海收入占广东游戏总收入的17.5%,同比提升3.1个百分点。


广州数字音乐总产值约占全国的1/4。 酷狗音乐已成为中国最大的P2P音乐分享软件。 2021年底起,将开通印尼、越南等华人聚居地区的数字版权海外业务。 2022年,酷狗将原创歌曲《稍后遇见他》改编成印尼语版本。 发行后,受到印尼听众的广泛喜爱,并登上当地多个音乐平台排行榜榜首。

去年,广州推出“大湾区音乐产业创新服务中心”,立足大湾区、面向全国,为音乐人提供版权、市场对接等公共服务。 据悉,不少原创音乐产品已被游戏公司收购或上线海外音乐平台,从大湾区起航。


聚焦“一带一路”,利用广东自贸试验区平台,推动广州市天河区、番禺区国家文化出口基地以及国家对外文化贸易提质扩容以深圳为基地,广东以新业态为重点的外来文化贸易新模式正在逐步形成。 2022年1月至10月,广东文化产品和服务出口3451亿元,同比增长12.8%。 全省已形成较为完善的文化产品出口体系,覆盖160多个国家和地区,在出版版权、动漫游戏、创意设计、文化产业等领域培育了一批具有国际竞争力的重点出口企业和品牌。装备制造。








今年“五一”假期,广东省接待游客4546.1万人次,比2019年同期增长18.6%; 旅游总收入274.4亿元,比2019年同期增长17.7%






2022年,广东省游戏产业国内收入将达到2115.7亿元,游戏产业规模和收入处于全国领先水平。 全国近1/3的游戏公司、超过30%的游戏从业人员分布在广东



广东拥有较高的经济发展水平和创新、开放、包容的社会环境,这是广东影视产业发展的优势。 文化产业的发展对整个社会经济的发展具有强大的带动作用。 它要求“恒星”企业光芒四射,周围的“卫星”企业才能加速成长。 当前,亟需标志性龙头企业的涌现和提升,让广东影视产业形成一定的规模效益,持续“出圈”效应。

在创作上,讲好湾区故事是推动广东影视产业走出去的关键。 湾区的好故事,必须跨区域打造。 要为中国讲好湾区故事,更要为世界讲好中国故事。 在影视作品创作中,仍然需要寻找地域特色与大时代、大社会的内在联系,突破视角、题材、主题表达的限制。 我们要立足湾区,放眼全国,放眼世界,讲好湾区的故事。

整个粤港澳大湾区有很多不同、互补的优势,但如何将这些优势转化为影视产业发展的实际可能性,需要更多思考。 政府部门要出台相关政策制度,积极促进粤港澳大湾区人才、题材、企业、资本等资源的流通和流通,让这些优势资源集中、“活”起来。 ”,发挥自己的作用,为人民造福。 湾区影视出海护航。

——中国电影家协会副主席、清华大学教授、澳门科技大学电影学院院长 尹弘


近年来,粤语电影在金鸡奖、华表奖等权威电影奖项评选中屡创佳绩并取得突破。 获奖影片涵盖故事片、动画片、戏曲片等多种类型,表明广东影视创作链条日趋完整。 强有力的支持政策和更好的营商环境也极大提振了广东电影企业乃至整个电影市场的信心。 同时,强大的科技制造能力使广东成为全国电影产业的技术核心。 例如,本届文博会分会场之一的深圳定军山电影科技产业园,就具有“文化与科技双重赋能”的鲜明特色。

在未来的发展中,广东将培养具有管理主流商业电影能力的制作人才。 人才是影视行业可持续发展的关键,也是“出圈”、“出海”的关键。 制片人相当于电影的“项目经理”,对于类型片的创作至关重要。 有了好的制片人,才能汇聚好题材、好的电影人,形成更好、更高效的创作氛围和制作链条卡通人物,推动湾区诞生更多“巅峰”电影。

在创作上,首先要讲好观众喜闻乐见的故事,做出真正能引起观众共鸣的作品。 只有在此基础上才能讲好中国故事,在讲好中国故事的基础上才能进一步讲好湾区。 故事。 以《狮子男孩》和《白蛇传·爱情》为例。 都具有岭南文化的特色,但影片讲述的故事并不局限于广东。 “出圈”。



Against the backdrop of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guangdong has outstanding location and policy advantages for developing the film and television industry. Guangdong also has a very strong economic development advantage, especially in the digital field that is closely related to the development of film and television, and is relatively leading. Therefore, if you want to "get out of the circle" for high-quality development, you must learn from each other's strengths and make up for your weaknesses. Guangdong should make good use of its location, policy and economic advantages to comprehensively strengthen its own development and improvement in terms of talent creativity, technological development and professional production, and build a film and television creation center integrating creativity, technology and production.

Secondly, to focus on the development of Cantonese-produced films, it is necessary to explore more typified image expressions on the basis of in-depth excavation of Lingnan culture, so as to enhance the influence of Cantonese-produced films in the box office market and art communication. In the emerging digital fields such as artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality, and "Metaverse", we need to explore in depth how to enable these emerging technologies to empower the development of Guangdong's film and television industry.

Against the backdrop of the national strategy for the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, I believe the future prospects of the film and television industry in the Bay Area are bright.

If the film and television works in the Bay Area want to better "go out of the circle" and "go out to sea", they need to do the following two things. First, in terms of creation, it must have the characteristics of the Bay Area and tell the story of the Bay Area well. Specifically, it is to explore the profound Lingnan culture, as well as the overseas Chinese culture, red culture, and immigrant culture in the historical development of the Bay Area, and explore the innovative development of Bay Area films from the aspects of subject matter, theme, genre, and dialect.

Second, in terms of production, it is necessary to cooperate with the Bay Area, complement each other's advantages, and improve the industrialization level of films in the Bay Area. The development of the film and television industry in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao is not the same, and each has its own advantages. Under the national strategic layout, we can complement each other from the three levels of government, industry, and universities, strengthen coordinated development, and focus on improving the level of film industrialization in order to better " Out of the circle" and "out of the sea".

——Zeng Yanbin, a young teacher and doctor of film studies at the Bay Area Film and Television Industry College of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics

Guangdong's performing arts industry is a strong new force for the development of cultural construction in the Greater Bay Area

In recent years, the development and prosperity of Guangdong's performing arts industry has attracted the attention of the industry across the country. The Guangzhou Ballet launched "The Banner" after "The Great Iron Army", and will soon launch "The Legend of the White Snake"; the Guangzhou Song and Dance Theater launched "Dragon Boat" after "Awakening the Lion"; It won the highest honor in China, and the Guangdong drama "Deep Sea" also won gold and silver in the Wenhua Award and the "Five One Project" awards.

The germination and growth of new forces in the performing arts is the focus of attention of industry insiders. The drama "Longteng Lingdingyang" and the opera "Qiao Pi" of Zhuhai Performing Arts Group, which came into being at the right time, both showed impressive artistic strength, and their creations also attracted national attention.

Breaking the inherent artistic creation mode and striving to innovate, let us see the confidence of Guangdong's creative power. In the past, theaters only passively accepted artistic products created by troupes, but now flagship art halls in the performance market like the Guangzhou Opera House have also begun to produce plays and carry out art training at the same time.

I am very optimistic about Guangdong's cultural development. I believe that Guangdong's artistic creation and performing arts will surely go far and steadily, and will have its proper place in the Chinese cultural and artistic landscape, and become a strong new force in the cultural construction and development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

——Song Guanlin, Vice Chairman of China Cultural Management Association

Exploring Guangdong's new expression of deep integration of culture and tourism

The development of Guangdong's cultural industry has many outstanding advantages. First, it has unique cultural resources. It brings together the diverse cultures of Cantonese, Chaoshan, and Hakka, laying the foundation for the diversified development of the cultural industry. Second, it has a complete cultural industry chain, with 146 industries in 9 categories. There are nearly 10,000 cultural enterprises above designated size in the province; third, strong scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and continuous changes in the form of cultural products, which have spawned many new cultural consumption scenarios; fourth, the development of cultural industries has a good institutional environment; fifth, it is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao , a high degree of internationalization.

To build a modern cultural industry system and promote the high-quality development of the cultural industry, Guangdong can make efforts in the following three aspects:

First, create a new expression of Guangdong that is deeply integrated with cross-border innovation, breaking circles, culture and tourism. Build a new life of deep integration of Cantonese culture and tourism, create a multi-directional, full-chain, and cross-field integration of the cultural and tourism industry, deeply optimize the supply of cultural and tourism products, improve the level of industrial development, focus on building a modern cultural industry system, and create a deep cultural and tourism industry Guangdong's new model of integrated development.

Second, explore Guangdong's new leadership in the cultural industry empowering the development of the real economy. Actively promote the integration of Guangdong's culture + real economy, accelerate the integration of upstream and downstream resources in the industry, promote the deep integration of cultural and creative industries with developed manufacturing industries, form a cultural development model of the entire industrial chain, and explore new practices in Guangdong that the cultural industry can empower the development of the real economy.

Third, build a new Guangdong model in which the high-quality development of the cultural industry boosts the high-quality integrated development of urban and rural areas. One is to fully tap the characteristics of rural culture and create original IP of rural culture; the other is to introduce digital technology and creative industries to help integrate rural cultural resources, so as to realize the transformation of rural characteristic resources into advantageous industries; The main rural cultural industry community. Serve the construction of rural culture and promote the organic integration of multi-cultural formats and agriculture and rural areas.

——Li Jun, professor of South China Normal University and director of the Department of Convention and Exhibition Economics and Management, School of Tourism Management

Now is the best time for Guangdong animation to go overseas

The animation industry in Guangdong Province has seen frequent highlights in recent years, especially in animation films, which have become a highland in the country. The film and television works of well-known animation IPs such as Bear Infested, Pleasant Goat, Big Big Wolf, Happy Superman, and Pigman are also constantly updated. Guangdong's animation industry chain is very well connected. For example, Feizhi's original comic "If History Is a Group of Meows" has formed a complete industrial chain from comics to animation, to brand IP authorized production of peripherals.

In the future development, on the one hand, Guangdong Animation must meet the needs of the domestic market and create more original comics and animations, and at the same time actively enter the international market. There is a huge potential for Guangdong animation to go overseas. In May this year, "Lion Boy" went overseas to Japan and achieved very good results. We also need to actively participate in several major foreign animation and comic festivals to carry out international promotion, such as Annecy International Animation Festival in France, Angoulême International Comics Festival, and San Diego International Comic Con in the United States. 。 Now is the best time for the animation industry to go overseas. Relevant government departments should create platforms, create opportunities, and formulate policies to let Guangdong animation and comics go overseas, spread our values, and tell Chinese stories well.

——Jin Cheng, chairman of Guangdong Animation Artists Association and chairman of Guangzhou Animation Artists Association

Carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture is the general trend of domestic games

As a special carrier of culture, game products have always assumed the responsibility of promoting excellent traditional culture. In recent years, many games in Guangdong have been combined with traditional Chinese culture. These games have gradually formed a major feature of domestic games by creating unique characters, launching culturally flavored game skins, inheriting and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The integration of games and cultural IP is not only conducive to the innovation of game products, but also helps to stimulate the development vitality of derivative products such as film and television, animation, and digital collections, so as to drive the overall development of the digital economy in Guangdong Province. In the future, game IP will also gradually follow the offline development route, so that users can interact with IP in the real world. Game IP is expected to have further development opportunities in the field of boosting digital and real integration, such as linking with cultural tourism and launching offline Exhibitions, sales of peripheral products, etc., the game IP will therefore carry more cultural missions and derive more diverse development directions. Traditional culture resides in games, which will be an indispensable way for the game industry to achieve high-quality development.

——Lu Xiaokun, Executive Chairman of Guangdong Game Industry Association

Nanfang Daily reporter Zhang Siyi Cai Huafeng Wang Fang Wang Hanqi

Planning: Li He Coordinator: Li Pei Zhang Youqiong Guoshan

The pictures in this version are all data pictures (except for the signature)
