首页 > 建筑设计 > 贵阳市建筑设计院有限公司-中国建筑之旅|贵阳、遵义:混合与奇迹,在它们成为现代城市之前


中国建筑之旅“从西南出发”的最终篇章来到了98.7%的山地丘陵省份贵州。 在贵州,每一个有利条件都伴随着巨大的代价,每一个困难和障碍都可能带来新的机遇。 毕节素有西南煤海之称,但山里除了煤还有天然气; 喀斯特地貌雄伟壮观,使贵州拥有四项世界自然遗产。 但地质条件破碎,道路建设难度大,成本飙升。 成就了贵州“世界桥梁博物馆”的美誉,留下了原始的多民族文化。 山脉的重围、河流的横切、纵切,使工业化、现代化不可能像平原那样翻滚。 他们只能逐渐穿过曲折的山路。 贵州的节奏似乎总是慢了半拍。 与此同时,急切的发展愿望、长期固定的思维方式、激进大胆的个性,使贵州的许多现象走向了极端,奇观怪象随处可见。

贵阳、遵义等城市的景观和生活方式与“城”字有很大不同。 海豚广场、花果园艺术中心、天下第一壶、天主教堂等个体实体忠实地反映了从古至今的建筑风格。 审美和独立的设计实践要么远在县城的郊区,要么与珍贵的少数民族村落一起隐匿在深山里。

然而,随着过去四十年快速发展的弊端逐渐暴露出来,空心化、同质化成为许多城市面临的问题。 文化旅游开发对当地文化和生态造成的破坏引起了公众的关注。 此时,贵州的“滞后”留下了原有的多民族文化和与当地居民生活方式同步变化的城乡空间。 这样做的利弊目前还很难确定。

初到贵阳时,眼前的景象与我心目中的省会画面有很大不同。 这座城市似乎被山挤压了。 房屋挨得很近,一层又一层,纵横交错的道路穿梭在火柴盒般的高楼之间。 山脉起伏的轮廓存在于人造水平和垂直结构的间隙中。 有时它出现,有时消失。 由自然、桥梁、道路、新旧建筑等不同元素组成的立体城市景观很大程度上源于其地理条件。 俗话说“山中有城,城中有山”。 贵阳山地、丘陵占全市总面积的84.61%。 是全国少数几个没有平原支撑的省会城市之一。 传统的平面规划方法(例如轴和网格)在这里很难发挥作用。 “摊饼”的城市发展模式被山挡住了,只能借山势、争先机。 道路要么沿着山的边缘,要么穿过山。 房屋以道路为中心线向两侧摆动,随着地势的升高而逐渐升高、扭曲。

上图:贵阳城市景观鸟瞰图。 山中有城,城中有山。


西线建筑工作室创始人魏浩波曾表示,贵阳有机会建设山水城市。 但这样的想法对于曾经地处偏远、交通拥堵的贵州来说过于超前。 人们思想观念的进步很大程度上取决于经济的发展和对外的交流。 对高楼大厦的向往背后,是对全球认可的大都市形象所代表的生活方式的渴望。 一个地方独特的历史文化和空间价值,往往是在城市发展到一定阶段、出现很多问题之后才受到广泛关注。 显然,贵阳还没有迈出第一步。 发展、收入增长和同质化是资本力量的双刃剑。 不仅是贵阳,任何一个城市都不能只依赖前者。

上图:20世纪90年代,大十字是贵阳的商业中心。 由于人车流量大,修建了大十字环形露天立交桥。 人车分离后,市民可以悠闲地“空中”漫步。

下图:1997 年的大十字车站及其高楼大厦。 为促进市中心商业发展和市民购物需求,圆形露天桥改造为闭环人行桥,于1998年初投入使用,因安全问题于2015年拆除使用过程中的危险。

一路开车到市中心,最大的变数就是地形。 沿途的房屋似乎是某种稍微调整过的复制粘贴的,只有少数几栋在外观上还能辨认出来。 在土地利用和经济发展水平的双重限制下,商业综合体、文化综合体、博物馆、美术馆等地标建筑大多被淹没在密集的房屋之中。 混乱无序,让贵阳看起来更像是一个扩大后的县城。

延安南路高架桥全长1330m,最高点距地面约50m。 位于花果园社区高层建筑之间,与五里冲路交叉口。

老城曾经的“九门四亭”布局,如​​今只剩下古城武胜门遗址和城墙上的文昌阁,周围都是居民区、棚户区和小学。 前戴德学校旧址两侧是商业建筑。 蜿蜒的南明河是贵阳的母亲河,记录着这座城市千百年来的变迁。 平静的水面为密集的老城区留下了喘息的空间。 河流在市中心绕两弯,形成“M”字形,分别环绕翠微花园和诸城广场。 旧时空的记忆,呼应着新时代的颂歌。

位于南明河畔的古干明寺始建于明末,清乾隆三十六年(1771年)重修。 1983年,干明寺被列为贵州省文物保护单位,是汉族地区佛教全国重点寺院。

文昌阁,位于贵阳城东门,武胜门月城上,始建于明万历二十四年(1596年)。 占地面积1200m²,为全国重点文物保护单位。 九角三层宝塔形文昌阁外观独特,目前正处于封闭式施工管理阶段。 古城墙仅存一段。

甲秀楼静静地矗立在南明江中央的一块巨石上。 两侧由扶余桥连接。 站在桥上向西望去,高99.9m的贵州省民族博物馆,再现了侗族鼓楼的形态。 当然是按照贵阳本土的方式。 河两岸的建筑没有严格的高度控制。 黔明古寺、贵阳电视广播中心大楼、钻石广场、贵航喜来登酒店等建筑凝固了贵阳城市的发展历史。

南明河是贵阳市的母亲河,蜿蜒流过市中心。 甲秀楼位于河中央,与翠微园相连。

上图:诸城广场呈半岛状,被南明河环绕。 与贵州省民族博物馆隔遵义路相望。 2011年之前,这里曾是贵阳市人民广场。 “竹韵”长60m、宽48m、高28m,由8根巨大的芦苇组成。

下图:贵州民族文化宫建于2007年,建筑外观以侗寨标志性建筑鼓楼为蓝本。 主楼高99.9m,四面呈“山”字形。 贵州省民族学博物馆就坐落于此。 在。

如果说地理和经济条件是塑造城市面貌的客观因素,那么落后的观念和激进的态度就是主观原因。 虽然贵州还没有所谓明星建筑师的作品,但这并不妨碍它以另一种方式吸引公众的注意力——奇观。

过去三十、四十年,建设商品房是所有城市的必修课,但只有贵阳的住宅小区可以成为外国游客的打卡点。 龙熙苑层叠的半圆形阳台,由于简单元素的不断重复,产生了近乎崇高的视觉效果。 乍一看,它们与国外的一些战后社会住房相似。 但施工质量不被认为是优良的,导致其很快腐烂。 它有一种与建造时不符的历史感,吸引着摄影爱好者来到这里好奇。 一份龙溪花园景点拍摄指南也在社交媒体上流传。 贵州的立交桥也“在那里”。 作为基础设施大省的桥梁建设水平,在市内可见一斑。 坡道扭曲交织,就像一个野兽派巨人。 线路最复杂的千春立交桥有8个出入口,最大垂直落差55m,高约15层。

位于观山湖新区的龙溪园社区共有12栋住宅楼。 “让每个人都拥有自己的空中花园”是商品房的设计初衷和卖点。 每户都有一个约60平方米的阳台。

千春立交桥最大垂直落差55m,路口为五层,共有匝道11个,出入口2个,两条主线与匝道之间总长5270m。 是贵州最复杂的立交桥。

花果园规划总面积10平方公里,容积率6.8,被誉为“中国第一大市场”。 目前,这里居住着43万多人,约占贵阳市总人口的十分之一。 然而,这个项目对贵阳的贡献远不止于高密度住宅区。 海豚广场这座有鼻子有眼睛的建筑来自英国一家设计公司,将对造型的热爱发挥到了极致。 印象最深刻的是湿地公园前的花果园艺术中心。 从当地人称之为“白宫”的事实中,不难看出这座建筑的外观特征。 对盲目推崇西方建筑形式的批评显然还没有深入到业主的心中。 离“白宫”不远就是花果园双塔。 入夜,“白宫”灯火通明,犹如一座宫殿,“我爱中国”灯光秀和双子塔上的五星级红旗照亮了前方的湿地广场。

花果园项目堪称特大城市综合体,居住人口超过43万(2019年数据)。 作为全国最大的棚户区改造项目,花果园总规划面积10平方公里,总建筑面积1830万平方米,容积率6.8。 它被称为亚洲最大的市场。 地铁3号线在花果园内设3个车站,规划隧道8条、桥梁17座、公铁立交桥及棚14座。

花果园艺术中心夜景。 该建筑因其城堡般的外观而被当地人昵称为“白宫”。 目前它正在改建为一家酒店。

贵州建筑的生命力不仅体现在对西方建筑形式的直接模仿,对中国传统建筑的致敬也令人震惊。 独山县斥资2亿元建造的“天下第一楼——水丝楼”,完全采用榫卯结构。 近100m高的主体结构没有使用一根螺杆。 2021年末,独山县地方政府债务期末余额1388.682万元。 对于一个国家扶贫开发重点县来说,通过打造引人注目的奇观来带动当地旅游经济的想法,本来就是一场豪赌。 周边建设的旅游风景区仍在建设中。 目前水丝楼正在改建为净心谷宾馆。 顶部两侧原有木结构建筑保留为旅游区。 该项目的命运尚不确定。

原水寺塔。 水丝楼占地5900m2,总建筑面积60000m2,高99.9m,进深240m,被誉为贵州的“布达拉宫”。

目前,水丝楼正在改建为净心谷宾馆。 项目计划总投资3亿元,建设酒店客房367间。 水丝塔是净心谷风景区的重要组成部分。 此外,景区还包括占地180亩、建筑面积9万多平方米的大观园、奎文阁、大成殿等景点。


走在贵阳市的陕西路上,一不小心,就会错过贵阳北天主教堂的入口。 一座不起眼的尖拱夹在两栋住宅楼之间。 然而,面向于家巷的天主教堂的正面就像是一座嵌在墙里的牌坊。 只有尖尖的拱门和玫瑰窗才能隐约显露出教堂的痕迹。 双坡屋顶的另一端矗立着一座四层木塔,塔顶有十字架,顶层嵌有时钟。 可以说,西方的钟楼、教堂、中国的木塔、牌坊等建筑原型融为一体。

贵阳北天主教堂始建于1850年,位于贵阳市和平路。 是贵州第一座官方天主教堂。 1874年,由于信徒人数增加,原教堂遗址被拆除并扩建。 然而,就在1875年即将竣工时,一场大火将教堂烧毁,不得不再次重建。 教堂主体于1876年竣工,建筑外观为中西结合风格。 正面立面采用了中国传统建筑原有的牌坊造型,后方的钟楼高32m,也是中国塔的样子。

如此混合形式和语言的天主教堂不仅存在于贵州。 遵义“红军总政治部旧址”由学校和经堂组成。 苏特拉教堂是一座“罗马式”教堂,由法国传教士夏布尔于1867年建造。 天主教堂的内部和外部都呈现出中西符号的直接​​拼贴,没有任何过渡。 中式的屋檐和传统的木结构和柱基定义了建筑的立面。 一个四个角的凉亭作为天篷,靠近教堂的次入口ip形象,与立面的圆拱形窗洞形成跨地域的建筑符号语言交流。 教堂内的耶稣雕像换成了伟人雕塑,讲述着红军长征的惊心动魄的故事。

红军总政治部旧址原为遵义天主教堂,建于清同治五年(公元1867年)。 房屋结构为中式空心墙,木柱覆盖,罗马式伞顶,面积385.2m²,高约7m。 大厅两侧有八根圆形木柱,外屋顶中间有一个红色十字架,还有一排排圆拱门。 雕花窗棂镶嵌着彩色玻璃。

遵义红军总政治部学校位于经堂南侧。 是一组瓦木结构的庭院式平房建筑群。 内饰也呈现出中西风格的强烈融合。

在湄潭贵阳市建筑设计院有限公司,中国工农红军第九军司令部也选择了一座天主教堂落户。教堂位于县城中心,靠近小学和居民区。 另一边的广场叫浙江大学广场。 广场上方的文庙曾是战时浙江大学的校址。 大学办公室和图书馆现为国家级文物保护单位。 浙江大学旧址在湄潭广泛分布。 除湄潭文庙(浙江大学办公楼、图书馆旧址)外,还有天主教堂(浙江大学教授住宅)、意泉万寿宫(浙江大学研究生院旧址)、西来庵(浙江大学研究生院旧址)。 有江阴社旧址)、李氏古宅(浙江大学学生住宅)等九处。

在西南地区,许多教堂成为长征的重要坐标。 原中国工农红军第九军司令部位于湄潭县老城区,周围有学校、居民区和文庙。 天主教堂建于1898年,隶属于法国巴黎外方传教会贵阳教区。 牌匾上的题词来自江泽民。

不过,网络上湄潭县最火的地方并不是上述的历史建筑,而是不远处的“天下第一锅”。 对具体符号的偏爱在这里达到了顶峰,与贵阳市的海豚遥相呼应。 茶文化园是遵义老村长集团斥巨资按照国家AAAA级旅游景区标准兴建的。 除了标志性的紫砂大茶壶外,县城各个环岛中心的各种茶雕简直在告诉大家,湄潭产茶。


作为一个县,湄潭几乎就是贵州省城市盲目扩张的简化模式。 老城生活静谧,质感浓厚,历史建筑散布在闹市区,红色文化和建筑奇观成为当地主要旅游资源。 在县城郊区,欧式小镇式楼盘几乎成为标配,房屋多于人的空置率也是各地的通病。 然而,湄潭县城郊的空置房屋不仅是住宅楼,还有所谓的汽车博览园。 根据相关规划文件,湄潭汽配博览城占地300亩,建筑面积33万平方米。 博览城包括国际豪华车城、汽车用品及装饰城、工程机械、电玩综合城、二手车交易城、行政配套区、汽车租赁商务园等业态。 计划实现年产值100亿,提供3000人就业,带动湄公河省发展。 谭经济有了很大发展。 然而,现在它只是高速公路旁的一座未完工的建筑。

上、中图:浙江大学农学院畜牧实验楼旧址位于湄潭县龙泉山森林公园内。 建于1940年6月,目前只有一名门卫贵阳市建筑设计院有限公司,负责清扫、接待访客等工作。


深入大山,历史建筑也难逃被开发旅游的命运。 浙江大学农学院畜牧场实验楼旧址为国家级文物保护单位。 双层主楼得以保留。 旁边的厢房已经破旧不堪。 旧址附近只有两间房间勉强能容纳看门人。 离旧址不远,有一组建筑。 主体混凝土浇筑已完成。 从外观上看,它就像是一组酒店和别墅。 该项目已陷入停滞。

现代社会习惯用数据来衡量一切,包括GDP、工业化率、城镇化率、人口密度等等,从省会到县城,贵州很难跻身全国前列。 但抛开宏观,回到日常生活,这里却出现了另一幅景象。 民以食为天,吃饱了才能过上富裕的生活。 酸汤牛肉鱼就不用说了; 豆米火锅的浓酸汤底使食材裹上薄薄的肉汁,滑嫩可口。 多多芬火锅每天下午5点就吃完,等待就是一整天。 No.:雷家豆腐饺子,内馅豆腐,外脆里嫩,一口下去满嘴汁水; 火锅是夜宵首选,生意好的餐馆半夜12点还要排队; 土豆可以做成花,土豆饼又软又粘,8秒土豆丝又脆又韧; 还有长王面、老素面、脆口面、糯米……就连脚手架下,都排着长队买冷面、冰淇淋,街上也有人。 小摊、夜生活丰富热闹。


在贵阳,每个人都可以尽情享受。 因山地划分而形成的群落布局,缺乏统一的秩序。 没有直轴和正交网格,各种元素分散和重叠。 当你置身其中时,你能感受到某种隐藏在世界里的安全感。 宏大的叙事和压倒性的命题与这个地方无关。 城市里总有角落和缝隙。 精细的路网减缓了市中心的车速,但也让街道两旁的商业活跃、繁荣。 小巷子里,居民楼地面上的商贩和雨棚下的摊位供应着当地居民的日常生活。 并非所有居住在城市的人都是公民。 贵阳市房地产开发征用了大量原有农村土地。 花果园的价格最低为每平方米3980元,这也吸引了很多周边城市的人住进高层建筑。 这群人以无规律的生活习惯占据和利用着他们周围的城市空间。


老人们围坐在城市中心广场的树池旁,打麻将、打牌,或摆龙门阵随心所欲,悠闲得仿佛置身于村口的大树下。 旁边有小贩拿着食物和饮料等着,但没有人来照顾。 夜晚的白宫在灯光的照射下,宛如童话故事。 花果园购物中心前的广场上,年轻男女代替大妈们跳舞。 他们面前的架子上放着一部手机。 屏幕的另一边卡通形象,他们是遥远的观众,不知道自己身在何处。 沿着广场的台阶和室外道路的两侧都是各种摊位,有饰品、气球、杂物,甚至还有露天KTV。 无论摊位大小,大家都能在城管到来之前迅速收拾好自己的摊位,淹没在熙熙攘攘的人群中。 只剩下通道里行走的人们,仿佛刚才的热闹景象只是幻觉。

起源于水城的火锅是贵州著名的小吃。 每家的用具和方法都略有不同。 中心高、边缘低的火锅可以让油脂自动流向边缘。 正宗的吃法是蘸水加折耳根。

如此真实、多元、热闹、密集的生活,不禁让人反思,衡量一个城市好坏的标准,到底是专业角度的空间品质,还是人的幸福感? 在很多城市,知名建筑事务所设计的文化地标和大型综合体只是一种标准配置,而非城市特定发展阶段的实际需要。 在贵阳,人们对空间的自发利用或许会让很多人重新思考城市建筑与多元化生活方式的关系。 至少民族志博物馆里观看展览的观众数量没有广场外坐着打牌的市民多。

西线建筑工作室创始人魏浩波对于这个问题也很困惑。 他超越了建筑师的专业视角,从自己和周围亲友的实际感受出发。 贵阳既丰富又有趣。 但他从事建筑行业已有20多年了。 面对本土设计实践的困难和贵州城乡面貌,他感到茫然和无助。

魏浩波很小的时候就随父母从织边来到贵阳,在老城区的甲秀楼小学读书。 后来考入重庆大学,当时还叫重庆建筑大学。 He studied under the famous architect Tang Hua. After graduation, he went to Shenzhen and worked for a period of time in the office founded by his teacher. During his childhood in Guizhou, he felt nourished by the multicultural structure and thousands of years of historical accumulation. Finally, he returned to Guiyang in 2000, hoping to find work ideas and methods suitable for this land through his own thinking and practice. The West Line Studio he founded is almost the only local independent architectural practice in Guizhou.

Wei Haobo, founder of West Line Studio and leading architect

How difficult is it to build independent buildings in Guizhou cities? West Front Studio has worked on no less than a hundred projects, including schools, hospitals, and new town planning, with extremely rich scales and types, but very few of them truly meet Wei Haobo's standards. It is now 2023, and Guizhou's design fees still follow the 2002 survey standards. It is unknown whether discounts will be needed during specific implementation. In order to save rent, Westline Studio chose to move to its own property in Huaguoyuan last year. Every time when introducing the studio to the outside world, Vice President Li Yuanping will first introduce the studio's awards, and then get into the design and research framework. This is also the experience gained after receiving many visitors who are interested in fame but have no way of judging the quality of the design.

In his fourth year of work, Wei Haobo ushered in his first landmark project – the Grand Cross Plaza. The project is located in the center of the city and needs to provide citizens with a place for public gathering and communication. Pure form shaping is not his interest. Patterning, formalizing and spatializing national myths and legends is the practical direction he hopes to explore. This project also became the starting point for the research of the West Front Studio. It's just that urban public projects leave little space for architects to create. What's more, in a place like Guizhou where the institutional power is far greater than professional power, inferiority and self are twin brothers solidified in the local ideology, which affects the project. 决策。 Therefore, the local exploratory practice on the Western Front gradually spread to the suburbs and rural areas.

There has been a legend circulating in Guizhou: Wag Yu Bird, also known as Ji Yu Bird, is a bird with magical power that helped the mother butterfly hatch the human ancestor Jiang Yang and all things in the world. Grand Cross Square is not only the central point of the city, but also the core point of traditional history. Patterning, formalizing and spatializing the legend of Jiyu Bird became the original design intention of Grand Cross Square, and also became the starting point for the subsequent research of West Front Studio.

Chetian Cultural Center, completed in 2014, is a relatively mature project of the studio. At that time, Wei Haobo already had a considerable understanding of Guizhou's geographical characteristics and the characteristics of traditional public life. "We believe that Guizhou has three typical geological conditions: karst landform accounts for more than 90%, the area bordering Guizhou and Sichuan is Danxia landform, and the area in contact with Guangxi is low mountains and hilly areas. This is a constraint of geographical conditions. In addition, there are The state of Guizhou's thousands-year-old rural model under different systems: the straightforward combination of the Republic of China and the countryside, the changes brought about by the entry of China's big factory model into Guizhou, and a series of rapid urbanization processes since the reform and opening up. Finally, the results of social development are drawn Basic view: It is a state of subcultural circles and universal dual structure. As for Guizhou's urban model, it has not yet been formed.”

Above: The volume of the Chetian Village Cultural Center is integrated into the village, and the multi-directional setback system is consistent with the geographical order of the local village. The square outside the cultural center is surrounded by a river and is often used as a stage for local Hmong dance and drama performances.

Below: The cultural center's building walls are 40cm thick and are built using local traditional methods. The stones used come from the village's mines.

Chetian Village is a stone village with a history of four to five hundred years. How the new buildings fit in with the geographical order of the local village's multi-directional retreat system, reshaping the cultural core of the village, and restoring traditional skills have become the three main directions for the architect's thinking. 。

Above: The interior of the Chetian Village Cultural Center has just been completed. The wall materials silently tell the history of local quarrying.

Pictured below: The current Chetian Village Cultural Center is idle, and the gate is locked with chains, making it impossible to enter.

Longmen Cultural Center is one of Wei Haobo's most representative architectural works, focusing on exploring the possibility of integrating traditional ceremonial space with contemporary urban development functions. The Shui people have their own characters, and the building's appearance is a translation of the word "mountain" of the Shui people; the square-style fair-faced concrete reproduces the weaving texture of the Shui people; the Shui people have a long history, and they were the nobles in charge of sacrifices in the Zhou Dynasty. The use of copper steel plates is a reference to the ancient Remembrance of the Bronze Altar.

Longmen Cultural Center is located in Sandu County, Guizhou Province. The site is surrounded by water on three sides. A footpath in the center of the waterscape plaza on the west side leads the audience to the entrance. The appearance of the building is a horizontal triangular pyramid, floating on the water like mountains.

However, the so-called slow half-tempo also exists in the design and use of Western Studio. There is a fence in front of the sculpture in the Grand Cross Square to prevent everyone from going up; the Chetian Village Cultural Center is currently idle and the door is locked; part of the space in the Longmen Cultural Center has been transformed into a reception and dining venue. But this is just the time difference between design and use. Perhaps it is too early for Guizhou to talk about space quality and cultural connotation. The difference in architectural concepts and professional capabilities between Guizhou and other places can be seen only from the current situation of education.

The Longmen Cultural Center is now used for catering and reception, and cleaning towels are placed on the outdoor terrace.

The Longmen Cultural Center is Westline Studio's tribute to the long and unique culture of the Shui people, embodying the translation of traditional ritual elements in every aspect. Since its completion in 2017, the building's function and appearance have undergone slight changes. The original design plan did not include the square's floor lights and aluminum edging.

"The person you are here to interview today is a rural teacher, and it may be more important to accompany the children." When I first heard this sentence from Gong Tao, I couldn't really understand its meaning. Since 2013, he has been serving as an architecture and engineering professor at Guizhou University. Vice dean of the School of Urban Planning; he prefers to be called "teacher" rather than the title of vice dean. During the communication, he always had a smile on his face, a gentle tone, and never left his hand. The office is designed in a friendly manner, and teachers and students can help themselves to tea. "There is a certain gap between university teachers and students. If the teacher is indifferent, the students will definitely be hit. I still hope to create an atmosphere for them to be accepted by others. Any teacher or student can enter my office at any time, if it is not special When I'm busy, I'll chat with them and talk about everything.”

Gong Qin is a native of Chongqing. He entered the Department of Architecture of Guizhou University of Technology in 1993, majoring in architecture. In order to solve the problem of weak teachers, previous graduates were left to teach, so he became a teacher. In 2004, Guizhou University of Technology and Guizhou University merged, and he came to Guizhou University to teach until now. In 2017, he started preparing for the evaluation of professional education and passed the evaluation of the architecture (undergraduate) major in 2018. Speaking of this, he said with relief, "We can finally issue bachelor's degree certificates in architecture to students, and we have lived up to the expectations." The baton passed to us by our seniors…". The architecture major of Guizhou University became a provincial first-level major in 2019 and a national first-level major in 2021. It is not an exaggeration to say that Gong Tao and teachers of his age are the foundation of Guizhou's architectural education. With years of in-depth cultivation on the ground, mountain architecture and vernacular research have gradually become the characteristics of Guizhou University's architecture major.

In the early years, his students had three main options after graduation: those who were interested in academic research continued studying; students were also encouraged to take civil service examinations to improve the professionalism of the urban management team; and for those who liked design, they were recommended to enter design institutes . Different from the current youth who choose to study abroad or practice in independent firms, students here need to face the burden of life. Two-thirds of the students at the School of Architectural Design of Guiyang University come from this province, including many from poor areas. The content of architectural education in Guizhou is not the same as that in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The problems faced are real and specific.

Not only the students, but also the long-term development of the college's teachers because of his position as deputy dean, Gong Tao also has to worry about it. He encourages the college's young teachers to go to Zhejiang University, Tongji and other institutions for further studies.为了保证课程不开天窗,只能协调校内老师的时间,或者邀请外校老师代课。而他自己则是最后的保证,在最近十年,龚鑘一共上了18门不同的课。





