首页 > 珠宝设计 > 软件设计师属于职业资格证书吗-软件开发设计师需要什么资格证书(软件开发资质)


本文就讲一下软件开发设计师需要哪些资质证书以及软件开发资质对应的知识点。 希望对您有所帮助。 不要忘记为此网站添加书签。




软考是国家计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试的简称。 是由人事部、信息产业部组织领导的国家级考试。 技术资格、职业资格和专业技术水平测试。

《计算具有在相应专业岗位上工作的能力,用人单位可以根据《工程技术人员试行规定》的有关规定,从取得计算机专业技术资格(级)证书的人员中选聘相应的专业技术岗位。 《技术人员岗位》和工作需要。取得初级资格的可以聘任技术员或助理工程师。取得中级资格的可以聘为工程师;取得高级资格的可以聘为高级工程师。


职称资格是一种“资历”。 根据我国职称制度,职称资格可分为初级、中级、高级三类。 其中,高级职称资格可分为副高级和正高级(高级工程师资格属于副高级)。 一个人具有某种职称资格,就意味着他具有从事相应专业岗位工作的水平和能力。 具有职称资格的,由国家人事部门(省、市人事部门)颁发资格证书。

对于参加软考的人员,如果通过了初级(如程序员、网络管理员、信息处理技术人员等)、数据库系统工程师、信息系统主管、软件评审员等),那么就具备了资格中级职称; 副高级职称资格。


具有职称资格的人员,被单位录用,取得相应的职称。 例如,如果考生通过了程序员级别考试(获得初级职称资格),然后根据一定条件在用人单位聘用了专业技术职务,则将具有技术员或助理工程师职称。 比如,根据相关规定(各地不完全一样),大学毕业具有初级学历的可以聘用助理工程师; 具有学士学位以下初级学历的吉祥物设计,可以聘用技师职称。


也就是说,通过软测试后,我们得到的只是一个资格。 是否聘用相应的职称完全取决于各单位的实际情况,国家相关部门没有直接规定。 事实上,通过评审方式(又称“职称评审”)获得的只是一个资格。 单位既可以不聘,也可以聘,也可以高资历低招、资历低高招。 比如湖南大学的教授(既有职称资格,又有相应职称),如果去清华大学,只能聘为副教授或讲师。 相反,如果清华大学的副教授调到湖南大学软件设计师属于职业资格证书吗,就会被聘为教授。

以上是从别处摘录的。 我同事拿着软考中级证书去申请落户。 我们在西安。 不知道政策是不是和上海一样。


全国计算机软件专业考试各个级别对个人没有任何要求,想报考就报考吧! 不需要专业背景和工作经验,更不需要单位推荐! 只需携带身份证和报名费到您最方便的地点报名考试即可!

8. 注册需要学历和资格吗? 是否必须通过初级资格考试才能报考中级和高级资格考试?

由于信息技术的快速发展,计算机软件成为年轻人的职业。 为了选拔人才不拘一格,计算机软件资格考试不设置学历和资历,不分年龄、专业。 考生可以根据自己的技术水平选择合适的级别。 资格,但一次只能申请一项资格。





计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(等级)考试(以下简称计算机软件资格考试)是国家人事部、科技部对全国计算机与软件专业技术人员的职业资格和专业技术资格认证。信息产业。 [2003]39号)。 参加此类考试并取得相应级别的资格证书,是各类用人单位聘用计算机技术和软件专业工程师担任一系列岗位的前提条件。 计算机软件资格考试与会计师、经济师、税务师、律师、建筑师资格考试一样,属于国家专业技术资格考试,纳入国家职业资格证书制度统一规划。技术人员。


这是我们人事制度的一次改革。 过去,各企事业单位助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师的聘任都是通过考核确定的,人为因素较多,标准不易把握。 现在,国家要求相关专业技术人员首先要通过国家统一资格考试,取得相应的专业技术资格,然后各用人单位从这些合格的候选人中选拔专业技术岗位的最佳人选。 这一制度有利于科学、客观、公正地评价和合理使用人才。 该系统也在国际上使用。


国家计算机软件资格考试由人事部、信息产业部牵头,国家计算机软件资格考试办公室负责实施。 办公室设在信息产业部电子教育中心。 省(自治区、直辖市)计算机软件资格考试由地方人事和信息产业主管部门负责,并设立地方考试实施机构,负责地方考试事务。


计算机软件资格考试与高考相同。 按照国家统一考试相关保密规定,严格执行考试纪律。 同时,对各类违纪违规行为,将按照第1号规定严肃处理。







5、计算机软件资格考试的形式是什么? 考试时间是如何规定的?

除信息处理技术人员、多媒体应用制作技术人员采取笔试和计算机操作考试相结合的形式外,其他考试均采取笔试形式。 考试实行全国统一大纲、统一试题、统一时间、统一标准、统一证书的考试办法。

高级资格考试分为三个科目:综合知识、案例分析和论文; 中级和初级资格考试的两个科目是基础知识和应用技术。 笔试安排在一天之内。 机考将分批进行。

知识科目采用单选题,考试时间150分钟。 考生需使用2B铅笔填写答题卡; 应用技术科目采用问答题,考试时间150分钟; 机考时间为150分钟; 90 分钟; 论文科目考试时间为120分钟。 每科满分为75分。

6、您每年参加多少次计算机软件资格考试? 每次考试的日期是哪天?

计算机软件资格考试原则上每年组织两次,分别于每年第二季度和第四季度举行。 上半年的考试种类与下半年不同,因此大部分类别的考试每年举行一次。 具体考试安排请参见本网站公布的考试安排。


每年上半年和下半年计算机软件资格考试的级别有所不同。 考生可以在本网站考试安排栏查看各次考试的考试计划。

8. 注册需要学历和资格吗? 是否必须先通过初级资格考试才能申请中级和高级资格考试?

由于信息技术的快速发展,计算机软件成为年轻人的职业。 为了选拔人才不拘一格,计算机软件资格考试不设置学历和资历,不分年龄、专业。 考生可以根据自己的技术水平选择合适的级别。 资格,但一次只能申请一项资格。

9. 如何注册?

各地报名时间和报名方式有所不同,由当地考试机构确定。 申请费用标准由当地物价部门核定。 考生可在本网站“报名考试”栏目查询当地考试机构的网站。 请留意报名须知。



10. 我需要参加培训吗? 哪里可以提供培训?

国家考试实行考试与培训分离的原则,参加培训完全自愿。 社会上举办的培训课程(包括网上培训)很多。 想要参加培训的考生可以自行选择培训机构、培训方式和培训时间。


国家计算机软件资格考试办公室组织编写各级资格考试的考试大纲、教程、辅导书和参考书。 每次考试后,还编写试题分析和答案书籍。这些考试书籍的ISBN、书名、出版社、主编和定价均已在本网站公布。 考生可在本网站资格考试教材目录栏查询,并到当地书店(含网上书店)购买或预订

12. 试题难吗? 通过率是多少?

计算机软件资格考试是国家专业级品牌考试。 试题侧重于岗位知识和技能(不背书),内容全面、灵活、富有创意。 我觉得考试并不难。 对于那些死记硬背书本的人来说,可能会比较困难。 由于考试面向社会公开,对学历没有要求,所有科目的知识和能力都必须通过才能通过,所以通过率不高。 各级别总体平均通过率在25%左右,初级资格通过率在40%左右,中级资格通过率在20-30%,高级资格通过率在20%左右。 社会公开考试报考的人水平差别很大,不像学校考试大家水平都比较接近。 因此吉祥物设计,掌握了基础知识、有工作经验的人不需要担心通过率。


13、考试资格标准是如何确定的? 如果上午或下午的考试通过了,成绩会保留吗?

考试资格标准由人事部、信息产业部每次考试后确定。 近年来,考试标准基本稳定在每科45分以上(含45分)。

由于计算机软件资格考试最多只有3个科目,因此需要一次考试通过所有科目才能通过。 单个及格成绩不会保留,也不能转移到下一次考试。

14. 检测结果什么时候通知? 通过考试会颁发什么样的证书,其作用是什么?

考试结果将在考试后2个月内通知考生。 有的地方提供音频服务台服务,有的地方可以电话查询,一般都会寄成绩单。

考试结束后三个月,全国各地考试机构将陆续向合格者颁发《中华人民共和国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(级)证书》。 该证书由人事部统一印制,并加盖人事部、信息产业部印章。 除证书外,还有参加国家统一专业技术资格考试报名表。 该表由当地人事部门盖章并提供给雇主保存在候选人的个人档案中。

证书内容用中英文书写,证书上的管理编号为国家统一的合格人员编号。 该证书全国有效。 用人单位和考生可以根据证书管理编号和名称在本网站查询证书的有效性。

根据人社部发[2003]39号文件规定,经考试合格并取得相应级别的计算机技术和软件专业技术资格(级别)证书的人员,表明其具有相应级别的计算机技术和软件专业技术资格(级别)证书。并具有从事相应专业岗位的能力。 根据《工程技术人员职务试行条例》有关规定和工作需要,从取得资格(级别)证书的人员中选聘相应的专业技术职务。

取得初级资格者,可聘为技术员或助理工程师; 取得中级资格的,可以聘为工程师; 取得高级资格的,可聘为高级工程师。


计算机软件资格证书的有效期为3年。 为了延长证书有效期,考生考试结束后每年需按照继续教育培训方案的要求接受一定学时的继续教育,并到国家指定的机构注册领取证书。信息产业部证书到期前三个月。

15. 证书注册和继续教育哪里可以咨询?

信息产业部已发文批准各地证书注册机构。 各地证书注册机构还负责当地的继续教育工作,并在考生较多的地区设立了继续教育培训机构。 各地证书注册机构和继续教育培训机构联系方式,请参见本网站证书注册和继续教育栏目。


接受继续教育的目的是保持和提高资格证书持有者相应的技术水平。 原则上,持证人可根据工作实际需要选择继续教育方式,在规定的培训机构中选择合适的培训机构,在规定的课程中选择合适的培训课程,完成规定的学时数的继续教育。






自2004年1月1日起,取得的证书需进行登记; 2003年以前(含2003年)取得的资格证书、等级证书无需注册,继续有效。



2004年以来,新的考试政策实施,考试规模迅速发展。 每年报考人数超过21万人,通过考试的人数接近5万人。


属于。 几年前我取得了“网络工程师”证书。 如果你通过了“软件设计师”测试,就意味着你已经具备了中级工程师的资格。 但需要注意的是,单位的考核和聘用是分开的。 你是中级,但并不代表单位会聘用你中级。 可以高薪或低薪聘用。 但至少你有聘用的资格。



查询页面 //ceiaec/search/qualifyc


程序员和软件设计师是需要通过考试获得的两个资格。 如果您打算通过相应的考试,您将获得相应的证书。 这句话的意思是,你需要获得高于或等于程序员或软件设计师的两个资格中的任何一个。


该证书由人力资源社会保障部、工业和信息化部联合颁发。 它作为职称聘任的依据。 资格,可以网上查吗,必须网上查,有很多网站可以查,省份,国家,软考机构。 您可以查看您在测试中获得了多少分









软件设计人员是指能够按照软件开发项目管理和软件工程的要求,按照系统总体设计规范进行软件设计,并编写相应的程序设计规范等文档的实用型人才。 还可以组织和指导程序员编写和调试程序,优化和集成软件,开发出满足系统总体设计要求的高质量软件; 具有工程师的实际工作能力和业务水平。

软件设计师考试属于计算机技术中级资格考试和软件专业技术资格(水平)考试。 化工部国家考试旨在科学、公正地对全国计算机与软件专业技术人员进行职业资格、专业技术资格和专业技术水平考试。



通过软件设计师考试合格的人员,可以根据软件开发项目管理和软件工程的要求,按照系统总体设计规范进行软件设计,并编写相应的编程规范等文件; 组织和指导程序员编写、调试程序,优化和集成软件,开发出满足系统总体设计要求的高质量软件; 具备工程师的实际工作能力和业务水平。


软件设计师资格证书考试不需要面试审查,因为软件设计师不需要外表和语言表达能力来判断自己是否适合做设计师,所以不需要面试审查。 但在报名、参加考试、制证时,需要检查个人信息是否有错误。




软件设计师考试是全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格考试(简称计算机软件资格考试)的中级考试。 考试不规定学历和资历,不分年龄、专业。 考生可以根据自己的技术水平选择相应的级别和资格,但一次考试只能申请一项资格。 考试采取笔试形式,考试实行国家统一大纲、统一试题、统一时间、统一标准、统一证书的考试方法。









The Computer Technology and Software Professional Technical Qualification (Level) Examination (hereinafter referred to as the Computer Software Qualification Examination) is a national-level examination jointly organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. National computer and software professional and technical personnel conduct professional qualification and professional technical qualification certification, and professional technical level testing.

This is a national-level examination under the leadership of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Its purpose is to scientifically and fairly conduct professional qualifications, professional technical qualifications and professional technical levels for computer and software professional technicians across the country. 测试。 The examination time for the first half of the year is at the end of May (the third Saturday and Sunday), and the examination time for the second half of the year is in mid-November (the second Saturday and Sunday).

Participating in the computer software qualification examination and obtaining a corresponding level of qualification certificate is the prerequisite for various employers to hire computer technology and software professional engineers for a series of positions. The computer software qualification examination, like the qualification examinations for accountants, economists, tax accountants, lawyers, architects, etc., belongs to the national professional and technical qualification examination, and is included in the unified planning of the national professional qualification certificate system for professional and technical personnel.

What qualifications are required for software development?

Question 1: What qualifications does the software development industry need? In fact, there are not so many requirements at the beginning. A few technologies are enough. My friend's company started with three or four people. Now there are about 10 people, and it is also developing very well. The company has What to do with a clear purpose, the underlying code and your core technology will be a framework, and the rest will be secondary development~

Question 2: What kind of certification is generally required for a software company to participate in bidding, and how to apply for it? I know of software enterprise certification, software product registration certificate, and computer software copyright registration certificate. All I know are these few, but I don't know how to deal with them.

Question 3: What qualifications do I need for a software development major? The software development major is a relatively general major, and there is actually no particularly useful qualification certificate in the industry. The more relevant certificates generally include the following types:

1. "Soft examination" certificate. It is a national certification, including software engineer, system analyst, system architect, etc. If the landlord is an undergraduate and hopes to continue to engage in professional technology in software development in the future, you can take the latter two tests. Although these two certificates are not very useful, the study of these two contents will raise the overall grasp of software development to a higher level.

2. Certificate of industry certification. Similar to Microsoft Certified Engineer, Oracle Certified Engineer. But this type of certificate is not as valuable as before, and there are too many similar low-level certificates in the society, so you must be careful when considering this type of certificate.

3. There are some certificates that are relatively biased, but you can take the exam. Such as registered electrical engineers, and even construction engineers. The former has a high gold content, and only electrical engineering-related majors are allowed to apply, and computer-related majors are also included in related majors, so they can be considered. 但这是非常困难的。 The latter is actually similar, such as registered conference teacher, lawyer, etc., which are things that can be tested in almost all majors, and have nothing to do with software engineering.

PS: In fact, for majors like software engineering, or even the entire engineering major, the most important thing is a solid foundation and rich experience. All kinds of certificates are just a stepping stone, sometimes not even a brick. Therefore, the landlord should pay more attention to the study of basic theory and technology, and strive for some practical projects at the same time! Note that it is a practical project, not a boring internship!

Question 4: Do software development companies need to apply for a qualification certificate? First of all, developing software is a creative act that does not require any qualifications, as long as you have the ability. Of course, making a virus is also a kind of creation, but that is illegal.

Secondly, as a software development service provider, in order to provide formal receipts and invoices to the other party, what you need is a formal industrial and commercial registration qualification in order to provide corresponding invoices and pay taxes according to the law.

Thirdly, as your buyer, if you are qualified, it is easier for others to trust you, and it is easier for others to entrust you to do things, that is, it is easier to gain the trust of customers.

Now innovation and entrepreneurship are encouraged, and software development is also an innovative behavior. Individuals or groups can register and authenticate with zero capital in industry and commerce. If conditions permit, it is best to apply for one. Initially, it is tax-free. With this qualification, it is easier to gain the trust of customers, and it is also convenient for the management and training of management agencies.

Question 5: What qualifications do you need for software development? If you are a software developer, if you really want to learn or be practical, then don't take any certificates. If you are a graduate student, you won't even understand this.

Nowadays, many certificates are not for making money, and many certificates are of little value.

The real value of software and technology lies in its own value, not in the value of certificates. Even if you have a certificate, you still have to take a written test and interview when you are looking for a job. Generally do not look at the certificate. Unless you have a certificate of sun's global nature, it seems that the registration fee is tens of thousands, which is unimaginable.

Or do your own technology. What we do with computers still depends on technology. Some certificates are just used to scam people who are going to school.

Question 6: The scope of business is what qualifications are required for software development. Software development does not require special qualifications, because this sentence can be added to the scope of business, but if you want to be a software company and product certification, it is another matter.

Question 7: The business scope is what qualifications are required for software development. Software development does not require special qualifications, because this sentence can be added to the business scope, but it is another matter if you want to be a software company and product certification.

Question 8: What kind of professional qualification certificates can those engaged in software development take?

Nowadays, many certificates are not for making money, and many certificates are of little value.

The real value of software and technology lies in its own value, not in the value of certificates. Even if you have a certificate, you still have to take a written test and interview when you are looking for a job. Generally do not look at the certificate. Unless you have a certificate from Sun Global, it seems that the registration fee is tens of thousands, which is unimaginable.

Or do your own technology. What we do with computers still depends on technology. Some certificates are just used to scam people who are going to school.

Question 9: What qualifications do software development companies need? The most important thing is to be humane, knowing what kind of software services customers want now

Let's stop here for the introduction of what qualification certificates software development designers need. 感谢您花时间阅读本网站的内容。 For more information about software development qualifications and what qualification certificates software development designers need, don't forget to search on this site. 哦。

What qualifications do software development designers need?
